Welcome to the new Long Lake Homeowners Association Website. We strive to communicate with all our members and neighbors through this Website. We look forward to sharing the love of our lake with everyone.
The Long Lake Home Owners Association is a member-supported organization dedicated to protecting Long Lake and its surrounding lakes and land for current and future generations by striving to preserve and enhance the quality of our water, land, air and wildlife through education, research, and dedicated stewardship.We are a small lake with sixty-four families with a large presence in the community promoting lake quality & habitat via our charitable gaming sites.
Weekly Bingo
Bingo every Thursday at Porky’s Pine Bar in Hillman. Starts at approx 6 pm.
- $12 for a set of bingo packets
- twice during bingo special coverall game
- all proceeds go to supporting LLHOA charitable giving
Weekly Meat Raffle
Meat raffle every Saturday night at Porky’s Pine Bar. Starts at approx 6 pm. And with Virtual Horse Racing!
- Buy tickets for $1 each
- Win RJ’s Meats (your choice) valued at $20
Charitable Giving
The LLHOA supports many groups with it’s charitable giving
- Hillman Area Little league
- First responders (Morrison & Crow Wing counties)
- Richardson township (town hall)
- Crow Wing County Historical Society
- Richardson Lakes Area Lions Club
- SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)
- Porky’s Bar & Grill
- The Cave
- Pine Tree cemetery (Pierz MN)
- Club of the Pines
Contact Us
If you have any questions, concerns, or things you want to see on the Website please reach out.